June 2023

Insights to help you transform ways of working so people love their jobs!


Nurturing Agile Coaches

While we are waiting for Alex’s new book to launch, enjoy an article that didn’t make the cut. It’s on theme for Transformation success. How to build your own coaching capability within your organisation. Should you? Can you? Will it work?

Blog by Alex Stokes


More innovative ways to organise companies and deliver value.

Lately, I have been diving into different organisational structures and exploring how we often come across prevailing dominant hierarchies in organisations, which can fight the concept of self-organising teams. Here are three examples, nicely presented in videos from Corporate Rebels: one in Electronics, one in Health, and one in the Finance Industry. Before you dismiss the idea with thoughts like "this will never work here," why not take a look at these innovative alternatives?

Haier: Motivation, Entrepreneurship and Speediness in one of China’s most successful electronics organisations.

Buurtzog: Revolutionising Healthcare in a decentralised Dutch home care nursing provider.

Viisi: People first, customer second and shareholders last, less is more management at Viisi a finance company.

If you want a playbook on organising business and tech teams then you can’t go past Team Topologies a book by Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais, too time poor to read? Here’s a TLDR Team Topologies Summary.

Finally on this theme, check out an article on FastAgile! A fascinating look at a more radical way to organise a large ‘community’ of value creators. And you can check out the actual framework information here: Fastagile. Warning - it’s another one of those prescriptive frameworks, however it does have much room for customisation.


What’s the secret sauce at Spotify?

What does one of the most successful digital companies in the world actually do to organise and solve their problems and continue to stay on top? Here’s a selection of interviews from ex Spotify employees that give a bit of an insight. ‘The Spotify model’ isn’t a thing and yet people are always trying to emulate that company. There are some principles and approaches you might be surprised about in three different interviews of now ex-Spotify employees.


The No nonsense Agile podcast interviews Brendan Marsh about what really happened at Spotify.

Erin McManus was a guest on our podcast back in 2018 and provides some great insights into what it’s like.

And Jason Yip also chimes in with Murray and Shane on No nonsense Agile about Agile@Spotify


Beginning with Agile ways of working

I read this article about newcomers to Agile - is it ever too late? I don’t think so! Here’s a blog by Todd Lankford that shows that newcomers can leap frog the learning curve to get great outcomes. ”In many ways, late adopters are better off than those that came before them.” 


2 more ways ReBoot Co. can help you

  • Our services are designed for speed and impact, from co-designing strategy for modernising your ways of working, to training and coaching in Agile, Lean and Product Development.

  • Book a coaching session with our co-founder Alex Stokes, coaching is available for organisations who have a need to uplift capability, book time with Alex here https://calendly.com/alex-rebootco

Alexandra Stokes