The Weekly ReBoot - Mini Hack #29 Check in on-line

Today’s episode is a mini-hack all about checking in on-line, If you’re team has moved to home working you’re probably learning and adapting very quickly to making things work for you without being in physical proximity to each other, and I’m sure like me you’re seeing many articles, videos and guides for how to get remote working working well for you.

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Alexandra Stokes
The Weekly ReBoot - Mini Hack #28 Have a Chat

Today’s mini hack is about getting out of your team and your comfort zone and have a chat. Talking makes solutions move sooooooo much quicker. Stop preventing conversations with too many tech cards, too many documents and emails and go and chat with people instead, hopefully it will make your work flow much quicker.

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Alexandra Stokes
The Weekly ReBoot - Spark the Change!

This week we’re bringing you an experience report fresh from Spark the Change conference, an engaging conference centred on Purpose and meaning at work, which I was fortunate to attend on Friday the 13th, I caught up with Tony, in his car while we were driving around between meetings.

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Alexandra Stokes