March 2023

Insights to help you transform ways of working so people love their jobs!

In our March edition newsletter from the ReBoot Co. team, we share some material we’ve enjoyed from various sources around the web.


Leading the System

Did you know we run a program to support and develop leaders? We are kicking off our first “Leading the System” program of 2023 this week.

Discover more here


Tuckman was wrong!

Doc Norton takes a critical look at the often quoted “Tuckman model” for group and team development.

Blog by Doc Norton



Frog fence house

This video (originally on tiktok) is not only amusing but also has a few examples of iterating, prioritisation and knowing your customer.

Video on youtube



Team Entanglement and Disruptive Observation.

Rememberring that observation is not always neutral; observation itself can disrupt work.

Article by Janet Brunckhorst



Psychological safety

What exactly is psychological safety? In this article the author examines the topic with help from Amy Edmondson who coined the phrase “team psychological safety”.

Article by Amy Gallo



Reigniting user growth at Duolingo

The story behind Duoloingo’s 350% growth acceleration, leaderboards, streaks, notifications and innovative growth model.

Article by Jorge Mazal (courtesey of Lenny`s newsletter).



About ReBoot Co.

ReBoot Co. was founded in 2017 and is an org transformation partner that helps you and your teams discover a better way of working. Here’s how we can help:


DELIVER LASTING TRANSFORMATION: The ability for you and your teams to continuously adapt to unexpected challenges.

DELIVERY BOOST: Our experienced practitioners will boost your practices while delivering your product

PRODUCT UPLIFT: Elavate your approach to product management with our support

TRAINING PLUS: Invest in your #1 asset - people. Uplift their skills and capability. Lift engagement and delivery.

YOUR OWN COACH: Experts to guide, support and challenge you or your teams to reach your potential.



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Tony Fifoot